Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Truest statement of the week

There are a number of issues here and multiple red flags.  Alito should recuse himself from any January 6th cases.  Alito states that his wife hung the flag upside down.  He states that it was done in relation to some other protest and has nothing to do with the January 6th attempted insurrection.  He is asking the American people to believe him on that.  That's too big of an ask.  There is the appearance of a conflict of interest and he may very well be lying.  I'm texting you a link to add to what I'm about to say.  Lying?  While attempting to be confirmed to the Supreme Court in 2006, he told Senator Ted Kennedy that ROE V WADE was settled law.  Then came his voting to overturn ROE.  That decision eroded confidence in the Court across the country.  He really is in no place to beg the American people to believe him.  Did his wife do the flag?  He was a judge before he got on the Supreme Court.  His wife knows the rules.  And if she did do it, that actually raises more concerns.  His work colleague is Clarence.  Ginni Thomas was part of the January 6th attempted insurrection.  Was Martha-Ann Alito also part of that insurrection attempt?  Do we need to be concerned as a country over just how deep that insurrection attempt actually was?  These and other questions immediately follow.  So there is the appearance of a conflict of interest.  That requires Alito to step aside on all January 6th cases.  His job is not just to rule.  His job is to rule and to ensure trust in the Court.  Refusing to recuse himself would be failing at his job. And the integrity of the Court is as important as any ruling it issues.  As a member of the Court, Alito has to maintain the integrity of the Court and he can't do that without recusing himself from all January 6th cases.


-- C.I. to Ruth in Ruth's "Like Thomas, Alito must recuse himself from all Jan. 6th cases."