Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Don't be a piece of Turley

Three Jewish women in Kentucky have filed a lawsuit arguing that a set of state laws that ban most abortions violate their religious rights.

The lawsuit, filed in Jefferson Circuit Court in Louisville, is the third such suit brought by Jewish organizations or individuals since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the right to an abortion in its ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. In all three suits — the first in Florida, the second in Indiana — the Jewish plaintiffs claim their state is infringing on their religious freedom by imposing a Christian understanding of when life begins.

Under current Kentucky laws, life begins at the moment of fertilization. Another law bans abortion after six weeks when cardiac activity is first detected.

That's a good way of reminding you that religious freedom applies to all, not just one group.  Freedom of speech applies to all as well.  

Religion and freedom of speech are not the same thing -- despite what Jonathan Turley now thinks.  He was once one of the leading legal minds.  What happened?  We'll blame it on Mad Cow   Symptoms of Mad Cow in humans include:

  • loss of intellect and memory.
  • changes in personality.
  • loss of balance and co-ordination.
  • slurred speech.
  • vision problems and blindness.
  • abnormal jerking movements.
  • progressive loss of brain function and mobility.

We think Turley's clearly suffered from loss of intellect and memory, and his personality has changed, while his brain functions seem off.  

That would explain his defense of Colorado's Lorie Smith and his ignorant insisting that Lorie's free speech rights are being harmed.


Who is Lorie Smith?

A deeply pathetic and ugly individual.

As a sinner, Lorie feels it is wrong for her -- an apparent practicing illiterate -- to design websites for people who support marriage equality.  As a website designer -- and all around incompetent fool -- she says it is a violation of her free speech rights.

It's hard for us to see it as such because her lips are always flapping.  She designs websites.  She advertises for customers but she thinks she can refuse customers that she does not approve of. 

If you think about it, you may remember Lorie's ancestors and their religious troubles.  Lorie's ancestors didn't believe that African-Americans had equal rights either.  So they refused to, for example, let them sit at the counter in Woolworth cafes.  

If only Jonathan Turley could have been around back then to defend Lorie's ancestors -- we could have known he was full of garbage decades ago.

Do you know that there are religions that believe that a woman should not work.

That's their free speech.  And under Lorie and Jonathan's understanding of the 'law,' those people would be able to insist 'free speech' allows them not to have to hire women.

Lorie is entitled to all the crackpot, conspiracy theories her tiny mind can embrace.  What she's not entitled to is getting away with discrimination or pretending that her hatred is excused under the guise of 'free speech.'

Support equality and fairness.  In other words, don't be a piece of Turley.


Illustration is Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Lorie Smith's Special Rights."