Monday, June 20, 2022

Repulsive Hillary says transgender people do not matter

Hillary Clinton, the Queen of Repulsive. Sore Loser Hillary disgraced herself by lying repeatedly about Russia-gate -- her campaign paid for the Steel dossier, knew it was lies and the plan was to use it to dilute the public scandal of her e-mails and her being the target of a Justice Department criminal investigation. She misled the country and continues to do so.

So you'd think she couldn't get anymore repulsive.

You'd think that.

But Hillary has announced that the Democratic Party needs to ignore the rights of the transgendered. Per Hillary, it is more important to win this election.

She will sacrifice anyone for that, won't she? And she always has. Ask Juanita Broaddrick.

There will always be another election to focus on.

The answer is never to abandon arguing for a person's dignity or rights.

Ahead of Hillary's cry to drown the baby in the bathwater, NBC NEWS reported last week:

Inundated with threats during Pride Month, LGBTQ+ rights advocates and allies have been forced to cancel events and involve local law enforcement authorities after a group of white nationalists were arrested outside a Pride event in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho.
California state Sen. Scott Wiener said he was at a supermarket Sunday when he was alerted by a staff member not to return to his home before calling police. Wiener, who had joked on Twitter about making “Drag Queen 101 part of the K-12 curriculum” in response to a tweet last week by a Texas state House representative announcing a bill seeking to ban drag shows in the presence of minors, had received an email saying there was a bomb in his house.
Bomb-sniffing dogs had to clear Wiener’s apartment before he went back in.
“There is a very orchestrated network of right-wing accounts and personalities to coordinate on whatever the current attack message is and who’s going to be targeted. And they have an army of social media trolls who amplify their messages,” he said in a phone interview. “It’s a very orchestrated attack machine.”

In this environment, Hillary announces that trans rights are not real rights, that they don't matter. And she wants to be seen as courageous?

She's an opportunist. That's all she ever was and all she ever will be. We'd all be better off if the media would ignore her and cover her no more than they do other former First Ladies. Earth to Hillary, you never got elected president -- and you never will.