Sunday, April 24, 2022

A third presidential run for Bernie?


Should he run?  Hell no.


He's out of touch.  And, as Sabby notes in the video above, he's not to be trusted.  He doesn't fight.  He gave up in 2016 and he gave up even sooner in 2020.  


Worse yet, after his cowardly exits, he tries to act as though he owns his supporters and can tell them what to do.


And even worse yet, noted in last Friday's "Iraq snapshot:"


He serves the sheep hearding role, yes.  But no one ever comments on the other role he serves.  By letting Bernie run and letting him lose, they make the argument that these are good policies, yes, but the man supporting them couldn't win, so we need to just keep working on ait a little bit harderr.

That's how they deny the overwhelmingly popular Medicare For All issue.

He is not helping anyone.

And no one with self-respect who had seen their campaign worked against in 2016 and 2020 would even consider running again.

Bernie has no self respect and has clearly accepted his fole as a sheep hearder and as a denier of needed policies (such as Medicare For All).

We don't need him.  And whomever runs, we don't need to turn him or her into a 'celebrity' or ourselves into a fan club.  We need to make demands and make them often.  Otherwise?  We're as hideous as Laura Flanders in 2007 and 2008, forever saying that we couldn't hold Barack Obama accountable right now but soon, real soon, we could.  By the general election, when she still wasn't holding him accountable, was anyone really surprised?

If your goal is to protect the politician, don't be surprised when you never get the policies you thought were being promised to you.