Monday, December 13, 2021

Ty's Corner


So Jussie Smollett got convicted.  And it's been shocking, in the time since, to see what passes for commentary from the so-called reality-based community.  The same outlets that repeatedly trash this or that group as not being factual, had no problem setting aside the facts for Jussie.

You could argue that was always the case -- even at the start of the hoax.

Zach Stafford is an embarrassment to the gay community but he popped his head out to the straight world last week to embarrass us outside the community as well.


Writing, after the verdict of guilty, the verdict finding that Jussie lied, Stafford minces around with garbage like "Sure, Smollett may have lied -- or at least was found guilty of it" and:



It doesn’t matter if the actor, who starred on “Empire,” really was beaten up by people yelling “This is MAGA country!” and is wrongly being punished or if he did stage an elaborate hoax, as the jury decided he did by finding him guilty of five counts of disorderly conduct.


 It doesn't matter.  Just shut the f**k up, Stafford.  You're a damn embarrassment.  And since when does the MSM question verdicts?  How is that reality based?

He staged a hoax.  America long ago came to that conclusion and its one that is now echoed by a court of law.  Stop lying.

Bitch-boi Stafford wants you to know that this has been hard for him.

Well don't use it as a political football. He's convinced that the right-wing is doing that.  Are they? I'm not obsessing over the right wing so I have no idea and I could care less.  But maybe Stafford's practicing projection?  He did himself use the attack as a political football when he thought it was real.  

Now that it exploded in his ignorant face, he wants to pretend otherwise.

I'm gay and Black -- as Jussie was -- or, excuse me, as he claimed to be.  Jussie was saying he was bi-sexual before the attack and justifying the storylines where his gay character on EMPIRE was attracted to women.  Jussie also says he's Black.  I am Black.  I have a Black father and a Black mother.  Jussie is bi-racial because one of his parents is White.

You must really hate your White parent if you're not willing to claim them and I guess that means you hate half of yourself as well?

Then there's Isaac Bailey at CNN who wants to prove himself the biggest bitch in the world with his stupid column insisting this was about putting a Black man in his place.

Jussie's not Black.  Shut the f**k up.  I'm sick of it.  I'm so tired of these light-skinned mixed people who get into trouble trying to hide behind being Black.  Those of us who are Black are not amused.  By this logic can I just call half and half "whole milk"?  

Bitch Bailey wants to insist that Jussie is just like Amy Cooper.  Who?  That stupid racist White woman who dialed 911 to report a crime when there was none.  

Yeah, that's the exact same thing, Bailey, if we ignore the fact that Jussie's actions were premeditated, that he paid off others as part of his criminal conspiracy.  

Bailey should stick to picking his ass crack because that's probably the only thing he excels at.

He certainly doesn't excel at reasoning.  It's so wrong, Bailey wants you to know, that Jussie just got put on trial.  So wrong!!! Such a waste of money!!!

No, what was wrong was that he called in favors from friends -- including prosecutor Kim Foxx and the now disgraced Tina Tchen whose made her public life all about running interference for the guilty.

What was wrong was that he got to (a) get off without having to admit guilt and (b) went so far as to insist he was innocent.

Amy Cooper clearly had mental issues and maybe the court-ordered therapy helped her with those, maybe it didn't.  But her actions were spur of the moment.

Jussie's apparently started with mailing powder and a hate note to himself.  That's actually a federal crime and it's one that's not noted by Bitch Bailey.

From there, he conspired to stage a false attack.  He paid his 'attackers.'  He filed a false police report.  He went onstage to call himself the gay Tupac -- again, he's not gay (bi) and he's not Black (mixed).  Then it was onto ABC and the embarrassing interview with Robin Roberts -- an interview that's causing harm to her reputation -- where he repeated how hard it was for him and how blah blah blah.

He staged a false attack.  He risked inciting the nation.  

It is not the same thing.

And then he used his money and his connections to get away with it.  

To lie -- as Bitch Bailey does -- that this was about the police objecting?

I get it, brother man, you working on the Democratic Party plantation so you're not going to point out that the loudest and most prominent voice against Jussie walking was then-Mayor Rahm Emanuel.  

(I may be a Democrat but I don't work anybody's plantation.)

Garbage like this doesn't help anyone.

It's conspiracy mongering and it's fact free.  It harms the people.  If you can't be honest, do us all a favor and just s**t the fuck up already.