Monday, May 24, 2021




In 2018, community sites took turns covering a book every week.  You can see "In 2018, we read books" to review that coverage.  We didn't want to repeat ourselves in 2019 or 2020.  So when Marcia came up with a way to cover books but with a twist, we were all for it.  Marcia's idea was for us to digital books -- we're largely a printed text crowd -- and to use AMAZON's KINDLE UNLIMITED.  So for 2021, we'll be doing a book a week and trying to just use KINDLE UNLIMITED. This week, we're talking with Kat about her "ERROL FLYNN: THE QUEST FOR AN OSCAR."


 Okay, so you liked the book by James Turiello?


Kat: I did.  I would recommend it.  However . . .


Yeah, we sensed a however in your coverage.


Kat: Not about the book.  But about AMAZON's choices.  I'm about to start a Janis Joplin book.  After that, I may be done.  The offerings?  There's just not enough to interest me.  


Not enough offered?  Not enough changes and updating?


Kat: All of it.  These are the same books that were offered when I started paying at the end of December.  Actually, at the end of January.  I got the first month for free.  I need more choices and I'm just not getting them from AMAZON.


So at this point, you'd recommend the service or not?


Kat: Big thumbs down from me.  That could change if the selections are updated before the end of the year.  If not, I'm a one year only subscriber to KINDLE UNLIMITED.




"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Kat, Ava and C.I.)"


"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Betty, Ava and C.I.)

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Stan, Ava and C.I.)


"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Betty, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Isaiah, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Elaine, Dona, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Mike, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Trina, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Stan, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Marcia, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Kat, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Rebecca, Ava and C.I.)"