Monday, November 23, 2020

Truest statement of the week

We have been discussing the embarrassing failure of the media to ask President-elect Joe Biden any difficult questions throughout the campaign and creating a type of protective journalistic cocoon around him.  That pattern has continued after the election with pre-selected reporters asking laughingly soft ball questions to Biden while continuing a virtual blackout on such stories as the Hunter Biden influence peddling controversy. Then something bizarre happened yesterday. A reporter actually asked Biden a real question. CBS News reporter Bo Erickson asked Biden about whether he would support the CDC rather than the teacher’s union on closing schools. Biden’s response was a personal attack on the reporter. This is simply not done and will not be tolerated. After all, think of the chaos: the entire press corps would be expected to ask questions and Biden would be expected to answer them.

Bo Erickson previously drew a rebuke from Biden when he asked for a response to the Hunter Biden scandal.  He simply asked ‘Mr. Biden, what is your response to the New York Post story about your son, sir?’ Biden’s response was again a personal attack: “I know you’d ask it. I have no response, it’s another smear campaign, right up your alley, those are the questions you always ask.”

Biden also blew up at a question that referred by the scandal by a NBC reporter and at a Fox reporter who asked about his son.  Those are the only known cases where the cone of silence was violated around Biden . . . until yesterday.


-- Jonathan Turley, "Say It Ain’t So, Joe: CBS Reporter Draws Ire Of Biden For Asking Substantive Question" (JONATHANTURLEY.ORG).