Monday, October 05, 2020

No more coverage of Joseph Kishore's campaign

 Trina explains why:

We're done with you, candidate Kishore

 I feel like Ava and C.I. right now.  I'll explain later in the post.  Let me dive in

I like WSWS.  I like Kate Randall, I like Patrick Martin, I like Andre Damon and there are others.  Genevieve Leigh!  I've really enjoyed her of late.  But I basically like all of WSWS -- even the parts I disagree with.  From my last post:

I didn't blog last night.  I watched the debate.  It was almost midnight when I finished tidying after the debate (we were all in front of the TV for the debate -- four of our adult children, my husband, and three of our grandchildren).  I kept checking WSWS waiting for their debate commentary to go up.  At two in the morning, I said, "Forget it." I went to sleep.

I've seen what went up and I am so not impressed.  If I blog twice tonight, I'll explain how awful I found WSWS nonsense -- and it was nonsense.

I didn't blog about it last night -- no second post.  I'll do it now.

Joseph Kishore, if you're going to run for president, run for president.  Don't be a little bitch trying to elect Joe Biden.  Kishore offered a hideous 'analysis' of the debate.  It was beyond stupid and insane.  It was also not a Socialist critique at all.  

David Walsh is among the people decrying 'racialism' or whatever you want to call it (I believe that's his term) where everything's reduced solely to race.  Socialists are supposed to offer a class critique.  Watching the debate, I found much to object to coming out of the mouths of both men (Trump and Biden) but SEP presidential candidate Joseph Kishore didn't.  

Four paragraphs criticizing Joe Biden -- if you can call that weak ass nonsense 'criticism.'  

How many paragraphs calling out Trump?  Over ten -- more if you grasp that Trump's being called Hitler during another lengthy section.  

As Kishore goes out of his way to paint Donald Trump as the Great Satan, he steers people to Joe Biden.

There is no reason for a real Socialist to vote for Joe Biden and WSWS has rightly called out Jacobin for its pieces making Joe palatable.  

But that's what Kishore did, isn't it?  

It's disgusting.

Joe's not new, he's got a long, long history.   But you don't get that from Kishore's awful column (here, by the way, and he co-wrote it with David North).

If you're not getting how pathetic it is, here's one of the worst parts:

The Socialist Equality Party and the World Socialist Web Site make an appeal to all those opposed to Trump’s coup to draw upon the lessons of history, recognize the very real political dangers, and make the decision to fight back.

Support and utilize the Socialist Equality Party’s presidential campaign to develop an understanding of the present crisis and the necessity of revolutionary socialist policies. Circulate this statement as widely as possible in order to build up opposition to Trump’s Operation Dictatorship.

The American working class has the power to scuttle Trump’s conspiracy. But it requires a socialist program and genuinely revolutionary leadership.

Are they appealing for votes?  No.  Because Joseph's not really a candidate -- he's a fake ass.  He's enlisting in the Biden campaign.  He doesn't want a better world, he just wants Trump out of office and Biden in.

I'm sorry that isn't Socialism.  I'm too lazy to be a Socialist but my father is and his father was and I grew up knowing Socialism.  Joseph Kishore has let everyone down.  

If the SEP can't run a real candidate then they need to stop pretending.

They are bigger hypocrites than Jacobin could ever be -- even if everything WSWS says about Jacobin were true -- because Jacobin's not running a presidential candidate.

They attacked David Sirota for much less than what Kishore pulled.  In fact, from that article by Genevieve Leigh:

Absent from the analysis of Jacobin is any reference to the class interests that the Democratic Party represents. The Democratic Party is the oldest capitalist party in the US. It represents a powerful faction of Wall Street, the military and the intelligence agencies, in alliance with privileged sections of the upper-middle class.


 I agree with Genevieve.  In fact, I highlighted her article in "Sick of apologists for corporatist Democrats" but, if I can steal from Genevieve, "Absent from the analysis of Joseph Kishore and David North is any reference to the class interests that the Democratic Party represents.  The Democratic Party is the oldest capital party in the US. . . ."  Yes, the same critique can be aimed at Kishore's awful article.  It wasn't Socialism.  

Joseph's a fake ass.

Now the Ava and C.I. reference.  My son Mike noted I would be writing about Kishore and C.I. noted that I would be writing about Kishore.  I had told them.  And I got more and more nervous because how do I live up to the expectations.

Which is what Ava and C.I. do every week.  I don't know how they do it.  At THIRD, they tackle the media every week.  They don't read the fan mail and they keep their heads down and focus on the work and they say that's how they do it.  And I am amazed that they did "Media: The Jane Fonda Horror Show" -- they didn't want to and didn't plan on it.  But that's what you do, pay attention, Joseph Kishore, when you have integrity.  Jane Fonda put her name on a stupid book and, to promote it, has said some insane things.  Ava and C.I. know her.  They like her.  They were planning to avoid it but they tackled the topic and did so amazingly, incredibly well.  They do the hard work while someone like Joseph Kishore wants to be a presidential candidate but won't fight for votes and will, in fact, try to turn out the vote for the Democratic Party.

Fake ass.


This is C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot" for Thursday: