Thursday, September 03, 2020

United We Stand Sessions - Green Party Presidential Candidate Howie Hawkins


Free & Equal Founder Christina Tobin interviews Howie Hawkins, the Green Party presidential candidate. Howie Hawkins is the original Green New Dealer, the first US candidate to campaign for a Green New Deal in 2010. He is also one of the original Greens in the United States, having participated in the first national meeting to organize a US Green Party in St. Paul, Minnesota in August 1984. From the start, he was committed to independent working-class politics for a democratic, socialist, and ecological society.  To learn more about Howie: __________________________________ United We Stand Sessions is live-streamed twice weekly with interviews Wednesdays 12pm PST, and musical performances on Fridays 4pm PST. The series features a balanced mix of artists and speakers who support or will be joining F&E during The United We Stand Tour. UWS Sessions Videos: For more information on Free & Equal events please visit our web site: