Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Editorial: Another activist assassinated

Reham Yacoub is yet another activist who has been assassinated in Iraq.

#ريهام_يعقوب she was a beautiful human she lived great done amazing and died over a terorrist!! what a world!?! she made a point we love u and thank you for everything you've done to the women in your country you were the screaming voice of the silence unfair RIP #RehamYacoub
7:48 AM · Aug 25, 2020

 Did you hear about it?  


It is news that matters:

Prominent Iraqi Women’s Rights Activist Reham Yacoub Gunned Down In Iraq, gunman on a motorcycle opened fire on a car in the southern city of Basra Wednesday, killing women’s rights activist Reham Yacoub & injuring two of her companions. via


 Good for Amy Goodman for covering it -- even if it was just a headline.  That's a great deal more than a lot of outlets in the US have offered.