Monday, June 01, 2020

Editorial: When will the questions be asked?

The US government continues attacking ISIS -- in Iraq, at least.  During Barack Obama's second term as US President, the US backed ISIS in Syria while attacking it in Iraq.  And, of course, it was during Barack's first term, when they overruled and tossed aside the votes of the Iraqi people in the 2010 election, that you saw the rise of ISIS in Iraq.  It rose in response to the thug and despot -- and the US's 'guy' -- Nouri al-Maliki's second term as prime minister.

The US backed ISIS in Syria and they helped it rise in Iraq.

That's reality.

When do you think the press will ever ask Joe Biden about that?

Or, since he keeps claiming credit for Iraq, why he overturned the votes of the Iraqi people in 2010?