Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Editorial: War Hawk Joe is a threat to Muslims

Joe Biden's got a new hurdle, THE HILL insists, winning as a front runner.  Don't get too excited Joe-hoos, Biden's been hiding for weeks.  That tends to pump up his ratings.  He has to be in your face constantly for you to grasp just how senile and stupid he is.

Mike chose him as "Idiot of the week" last week because, among other things, Joe shared his secret for addressing police violence -- have the police shoot us in our legs and not our chests.

Joe Biden, he's not afraid to look stupid.

And speaking of looks, it looks like Krystal Ball's edging on over to Joe.  She's to be our come-to-Jesus moment.  As she slowly makes and details her conversion, we're supposed to go along.

Sorry, it's not happening.

Just like RISING refuses to cover the fact that Joe's support is coming from his fellow War Hawks -- Bill Kristol, Collie Powell, Condi Rice, Bully Boy Bush, etc. 

C.I. noted Monday:

John Stauber offers:

I am hoping that Crazy Joe picks ⁦ ⁩ for VP! All the despicable #WeaponsOfMassDeception gang on one ticket!

It's very telling who Joe Biden's constituency is.  Neocons like Bill Kristol. Liars like David Frum. Trash like War Criminal Colin Powell.  Collie lied to the United Nations in order to help start the Iraq War.  (See Ava and my "TV Review: Barbara and Colin remake The Way We Were.")  He was part of a team of liars that also included Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, John Bolton and Bully Boy Bush among others.  He's gone on to lie about his lies.  And yet today he wanted to whine about Donald Trump lying.  Sarah Abdallah observes:

Colin Powell, who lied to the entire world about WMDs in Iraq, paving the way for an illegal war that killed and displaced millions of innocents, gave rise to ISIS, and destabilized the Middle East, is actually out here today lecturing us about lies.

Joe and that crowd sold the illegal Iraq War.  They've never taken accountability.  The closest Joe has gotten to accountability and an apology is to say Bully Boy Bush tricked him.  That lie might work for the laughable Tulsi Gabbard but for those of us who aren't whores?  Nope.

Anyone who says Joe is a safer choice -- with those allies -- is either a liar or someone who doesn't give a damn about Muslims.  Joe Biden was part of an administration that terrorized Muslims.  The Drone War?  Did you miss it?

It's the height of self-involvement to act as though War Criminal Joe will be a 'safe' choice for the White House.

He won't address climate change, he won't end the wars and he is a known threat to Muslims around the world.

Are we not going to have this conversation?