For years now, we've heard how Donald Trump is degrading the nation as president. How? With his alleged assaults on women. With his insults to people.
Do you buy that?
We're asking because the faux resistance has coalesced behind Joe Biden.
The hypocrisy is astounding.
Joe has invaded the space of women and girls, kissed them, sniffed them -- made them uncomfortable. Then, when called on it, he issues an 'apology' that never uses the word "sorry" or the words "I apologize" but insists that it won't happen again. Days later, he's making fun of the women who have stated they were uncomfortable by his actions.
There was no apology.
And he learned nothing from it because he didn't want to learn from it. He didn't see it as his problem, he saw it as a problem for others.
Ask him a question and watch him go off. You're "fat," you're "a dog faced pony soldier" . . . It's a long list of insults and this is when he's trying to earn votes. This past week, he told a voter he was "full of s**t." And he threatened to "slap you in the face"
This is when Joe's trying to be the next president. Can you imagine what happens if he gets into the Oval Office?
It's not a question the corporate media cares to ask.
CNN is frantically spinning Joe Biden threatening a union worker in #Michigan as a "very good" move. Biden:
-called the man a "horse's ass"
-threatened to slap him
-asked him to "go outside"
Expect full propaganda mode as corporate media tries to cover up #BidensCognitiveDecline.
MSNBC desperately spinning Joe Biden threatening a union worker in #Michigan as "forceful but composed". Biden threatened to attack the man & said "SHUSH! Shush!" to a young Black woman who tried to intervene.
Corporate media in panic mode to cover up #BidensCognitiveDecline
4:17 PM · Mar 10, 2020Twitter Web App
CNN, MSNBC, & other corporate media outlets are racing to spin Biden threatening to attack a #Michigan union worker as a brilliant move.
If anyone else did this the headlines would say
The rich man's media is DESPERATE to cover up #BidensCognitiveDecline
The rich man's media is DESPERATE to cover up #BidensCognitiveDecline
4:47 PM · Mar 10, 2020Twitter Web App
And over at the right-wing media watchdog NEWSBUSTERS, Nicholas Fondacaro points out that the broadcast network news misreported what took place with NBC NIGHTLY NEWS deceptively editing the recording of the encounter.
"I have never seen anything like this [the coronavirus] in my life nor has anybody out there," stated Senator Bernie Sanders on Saturday during his Fireside Chat. "It seems to me that what we've got to focus on now is how we deal with this short term crises that we are facing which are very, very severe."
The short term crises. In addition to the effects that the coronavirus can have on people -- mild symptoms like cold or flu or more severe which require hospitalization and may result in death -- there are the other crises.
To limit exposure, various things are being shut down. Broadway has been shut down (following two ushers testing positive for the coronavirus), DISNEY is shutting down their amusement parks, UNIVERSAL has done the same, the NBA has suspended the season -- during March Madness, yes, it's that serious, production of some TV shows has been shut down . . .
Today, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is shutting down Ohio's bars and restaurants tonight at nine. Delivery and takeout will continue but there will no longer be gathering inside.
These and other measures that will follow are necessary. But while Joe Biden ignores them and blames everything on Donald Trump, a real leader -- Bernie Sanders -- looks at where this leads.
Bernie Sanders: What does this mean for ordinary people? What does this mean? Say you are a waiter or a waitress, okay? Business is cut in half. What are you supposed to do right now? Your mortgage bill is coming due or your rent bill is coming due. Maybe you have illness and you have to buy your prescription drugs. Maybe your kid is sick from an illness and you have to go to the doctor. Maybe you owe and you have to make your monthly payments on your credit card. What happens to you if your income goes down?
Early last week, actor Vincent D'Onofrio began Tweeting against Bernie Sanders (such as here -- which he notes later "I couldn't help myself"). Worse, he started telling everyone what to do: Vote Biden.
He lied because he's an idiot, yes, Barack Obama and Joe Biden put children into cages -- FACTCHECK.ORG here.
He's a liar but he's worse than a liar, he's a piece of trash.
He thinks he has standing to tell anyone how to vote? What has his fat ass ever done?
Jessica Lange spoke out against the Iraq War, Jane Fonda spoke out against the Iraq War, Ani DiFranco spoke out against the Iraq War, Janeane Garofalo spoke out against the Iraq War, Harry Belafonte spoke out against the Iraq War, Susan Sarandon spoke out against the Iraq War, Nas spoke out against the Iraq War, Tim Robinson spoke out against the Iraq War, Gillian Anderson spoke out against the Iraq War, Jay-Z spoke out against the Iraq War, Sean Penn spoke out against the Iraq War, Samuel L. Jackson spoke out against the Iraq War, Danny Glover spoke out against the Iraq War, Sheryl Crow spoke out against the Iraq War, George Clinton spoke out against the Iraq War, Natalie Maines spoke out against the Iraq War, Norah Jones spoke out against the Iraq War, Chris Martin spoke out against the Iraq War, Kim Basinger spoke out against the Iraq War, Sally Field spoke out against the Iraq War, Alec Baldwin spoke out against the Iraq War, Barbra Streisand spoke out against the Iraq War, Laurence Fishburne spoke out against the Iraq War, Angelica Huston spoke out against the Iraq War, Ethan Hawke spoke out against the Iraq War, Uma Thurman spoke out against the Iraq War, Lindsay Wagner spoke out against the Iraq War, Ed Asner spoke out against the Iraq War, Missy Elliott spoke out against the Iraq War, Matt Damon spoke out against the Iraq War, Linda Ronstadt spoke out against the Iraq War, Emmylou Harris spoke out against the Iraq War, Roseanne Cash spoke out against the Iraq War, Busta Rhymes spoke out against the Iraq War, Suzanne Vega spoke out against the Iraq War, Brian Eno spoke out against the Iraq War, Natalie Imbruglia spoke out against the Iraq War, L'il Mo spoke out against the Iraq War, Mobb Deep spoke out against the Iraq War, Lucinda Williams spoke out against the Iraq War, Michael Stipe spoke out against the Iraq War, George Michael spoke out against the Iraq War, Lenny Kravitz spoke out against the Iraq War, David Rovics spoke out against the Iraq War, John Mellencamp spoke out against the Iraq War, Lou Reed spoke out against the Iraq War, Billy Bragg spoke out against the Iraq War, Rickie Lee Jones spoke out against the Iraq War, Neil Young spoke out against the Iraq War, Pink spoke out against the Iraq War, Michael Franti spoke out against the Iraq War, Cat Power spoke out against the Iraq War, Edward Norton spoke out against the Iraq War, Spike Lee spoke out against the Iraq War, Martin Sheen spoke out against the Iraq War, Martin Scorsese spoke out against the Iraq War, Joan Baez spoke out against the Iraq War, Dustin Hoffman spoke out against the Iraq War, Oliver Stone spoke out against the Iraq War, Robert Altman spoke out against the Iraq War, Brian De Palma spoke out against the Iraq War, Annie Lennox spoke out against the Iraq War, Alice Walker spoke out against the Iraq War, Peter Gabriel spoke out against the Iraq War, Phil Collins spoke out against the Iraq War, Emma Thompson spoke out against the Iraq War, Ken Loach spoke out against the Iraq War, Mike Leigh spoke out against the Iraq War, Richard E. Grant spoke out against the Iraq War, Vanessa Redgrave spoke out against the Iraq War, Robert Redford spoke out against the Iraq War, Damon Albarn spoke out against the Iraq War, Richard Gere spoke out against the Iraq War, Don Cheadle spoke out against the Iraq War, David Duchovny spoke out against the Iraq War, Elliott Gould spoke out against the Iraq War, Mark Ruffalo spoke out against the Iraq War, Boots Riley spoke out against the Iraq War . . .
We could go on and on. You know who we'd never end up noting? That's right: Vincent.
He is now and has always been a spoiled and self-involved do-nothing.
Boots Riley put it on the line. Fat ass Vincent just shoved more food in his fat face. Last week, Boots again spoke truth and Vincent had to have a snit fit and tell everyone that they had to vote for Biden if he got the nomination.
Boots put it on the line. Vincent's never put anything on the line. Why the hell should anyone listen to his privileged and protected ass?
It's not like he's even accomplished in his field. He can play psychopaths but that's all he can play and he owes his entire career to a rumor -- a rumor that was false.
In DYING YOUNG, Vincent played Julia's fat and boring boyfriend that the audience wanted her to dump for Campbell Scott. That's the kind of role he's made for.
And it's the kind of role he would have been trapped in.
But there was another actor coming up, one a bit younger than Vincent, who had a similar background. Unlike Vincent, this actor was bisexual -- not especially novel in the entertainment industry -- and, here's what was novel, his penis was like a baby's arm -- huge.
For several years, directors and actors confused him with Vincent. They hired Vincent by mistake. This led to disappointment with Vincent's acting -- which is pedestrian and dull unless he's playing a psychopath (Tim Burton's not the only director who was disappointed by Vincent's 'acting') -- and frequently to male co-stars and male directors being disappointed that Vincent didn't want to 'play.'
Now the other actor, the one with the huge penis? He did want to play. He played so much, in fact, that while no one denies his acting brilliance, his career has been erratic -- more playing out of camera range and less performing in front of the camera. But even so, his acting blows Vincent's passive performances out of the water.
There's an actress, by the way, that we get e-mails about. Ty will say, "So and so wrote that you used to praise ____ and now don't and they're confused."
Don't be confused. Her acting is no longer inspired, first off. Second, she chose to marry this bisexual man and she knew he was bisexual and he told her he would continue to be. What was confusing about any of that? Apparently something was because shortly after getting married, she went around whining about how he was bisexual and eventually divorced him. She played the victim and we didn't buy it -- again, she was told all of this going in. Equally true, she's been known to make out with a few women. So we just feel she's full of it. Doesn't mean she might not have another great performance in her. But at present, she's been coasting and serving up superficial performances for about eight years now.
One director who hired Vincent by mistake was so disappointed -- especially when wardrobe confirmed there was no huge package there -- that he would shout at Vincent, take after take, "Bigger!" Everyone on that set would laugh except the oblivious Vincent.
Vincent doesn't have much of a career to look back on with pride. But how sad that when he does look back, he has to realize that, especially in the 90s, any role he got, he got because someone confused him with the other guy, with Mr. Meat.
A friend of ours worked with both. The actor was a star in the 90s and is a star now. He thought Vincent was Mr. Meat and our friend, who is bisexual, thought it would be fun to act and play around with him. It wasn't. Vincent didn't play or 'play' and he was a lousy actor. He delivered nothing, our friend notes, it was like acting opposite a brick wall. A year later, our friend who had gotten Vincent cast as a minor co-star, was able to work with the actual Mr. Meat as a co-star. Yes, they played around and those are fond memories for our friend. But, in addition, Mr. Meat could actually act.
Vincent's sixty now. Stardom never came his way via films nor via TV. (His LAW AND ORDER franchise show, remember, had low ratings and had to be shared with USA NETWORK.) Most of his jobs in the 90s only came his way by mistake. He's never been nominated for an Academy Award, an Emmy, a Golden Globe . . . (Mr. Meat has been nominated.)
Remember that the next time Vincent starts trying to tell you what to do. Maybe Tweet back at him, "Why don't you shut up about what I need to do and focus instead on your dismal career, maybe try to deliver a performance that impresses finally."
There's no reason to listen to him. He's a useless actor who's wasted decades never delivering a performance worth discussing. He's a useless person who has time and again failed to use his limited fame to try to change the world for the better.
These are basic truths and they, like Vincent, aren't pretty. Basic truths aren't anything that Vincent, the corporate media or any other whores traffic in. They pimp lies. There's a reason they're on the side of Biden.