Monday, February 24, 2020

The Face of Loreal

Nope ! Nope ! It was not mutual abuse!! Amber Heard ... she is a compulsive abuser!! A Liar ! Hellooooo! What more evidence do you need to punish this f**king woman or whatever she is...Misandrist! Not good for the society. She hurts people!

Long ago, C.I. noted at THE COMMON ILLS that 'hero' Amber Heard would be undone by a tape that would expose her. That tapes has now been released -- where she gleefully admits to hitting her then-husband. Spouse abuse should not be tolerated and, considering Loreal's past advertising problems, we're surprised that they'd choose to go with the face of an abuser as the face of their product.

Eight years ago, the FDA was warning it to stop using misleading advertising.

Calling an abuser "beautiful" seems pretty misleading to us.

I’m not even a huge fan of Johnny (I was an AH fan) but I am going to stand w/ him because HE was UNDOUBTEDLY a victim of domestic abuse from the hands of Amber Heard. He’s an abuse SURVIVOR now & we must stick up for real survivors, not phony liars.