Monday, January 13, 2020

It's all gravy (Dona)


Biscuits and gravy?  We do The TESR Test Kitchen here and get a lot of feedback on that.  An e-mail from Alex noted he loves biscuits and gravy and it's his favorite.  He can get it on campus at breakfast and even fries and gravy at lunch.  

For me, it's bread and gravy.

If we're eating and we're done and there's enough for just one more serving of gravy, I don't toss that out.  I'll put it in the fridge and heat it when I'm hungry.  I'll grab a plate, rip up four pieces of wheat bread.  Then I'll pour the heated gravy over the bread.  I'll put some pepper on top of the gravy.

Growing up, we had some hard times and gravy can be made by real cooks with just water and flour or milk and flour or something.  I don't know.  My mother's a real cook.  If I'm making gravy, I'm either buying gravy in a jar already fixed or buying the instant mix.  Left to my own devices, I couldn't make gravy.

But my mom can and did when we were little and hungry and bored with every other times-are-hard quick fix.  She'd put plates on the table for my brother and I and start fixing the gravy on the stove while we tore slices of bread apart and put them on our plates. 

 Any gravy's wonderful when my mother's cooking -- mushroom gravy, brown gravy, you name it.  But for me, I stick with the country gravy packet -- that's the white gravy.  I find I screw it up less.  I also like how it's thick (yes, I use the cup of milk suggested on the packet with one cup of water) so that the gravy sets on top of the bread as opposed to soaking through.  
