Monday, January 13, 2020

How stupid is Aaron Mate?

We ask that question for a reason.

  1. Pro-war chickenhawk Dems like Biden, Kerry, & the Clintons don't just have disgraceful policies on their record. They also have a consistent record of cowardly & deceitfully avoiding owning up to their records, and that helps account for their growing record of electoral failure:

John Kerry a chicken hawk?

No, not by the way the term is generally used.

Jessica Lange gave examples of chicken hawks back in September 2005 when she spoke at a DC rally:

And who are these men? Who are these men? Let's talk for a minute about these masters of war, these same men that are sending our sons and our daughters, our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers to fight an undeclared and unconstitutional and unwinnable war for them. Let's talk about their service records. Karl Rove did not serve. Paul Wolfowitz did not serve. Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Elliott Abrams, Newt Gingrich did not serve. Jeb Bush did not serve. The list goes on and on. And we know George W. did not really serve.

John Kerry a chicken hawk?  John Kerry served in Vietnam.

He's not a chicken hawk.

There are many names you can call him -- and we can think of several -- but chicken hawk isn't one of them.

We'd also argue that Hillary can't be called a chicken hawk because women weren't drafted -- she didn't avoid the draft.  Knowing the self-defined "Goldberg girl," she would have enlisted if they'd allowed women in combat roles.

But there is no reason on earth to use the label to define John Kerry -- it shows (a) that you don't understand the term and (b) that you don't know John Kerry's service record.  Mainly, it demonstrates that you can't be trusted because you'll obviously type anything, whether it's true or not.