Monday, November 18, 2019

Corporate media has always embraced rape culture

What is about the centrists running for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination?

Are they try to be creepy or can they just not help it?

If it's not Joe Biden using Jeffrey Epstein buddy Lawrence Summers to trash Elizabeth Warren, it's the latest stooge to enter the contest: Deval Patrick.

prorape deval

That's Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Pro-rape Deval."  Deval has a lot of bad baggage and that includes his work to minimize his brother-in-law's rape conviction and to prevent the government from listing his brother-in-law as a sex offender.  That brother-in-law?  Just got convicted for raping again.

Deval is pro-rape.  His actions make him pro-rape.  Chuck Todd and other useless monkeys refuse to call him out or press him to get honest.


Because the corporate media is the rape culture.  It always has been.  It's covered for assaults and rapes from day one.  ABC killing the Jeffrey Epstein story in 2015?  Only a surprise if you haven't paid attention.

Ronan Farrow, in his new book, writes about how even Meryl Streep felt Harvey Weinsten was the wrong person to investigate because Harvey does 'good' things.

Oh, okay.  So that's the call we make?  Did they donate to the right organization?  They did?  Oh, then please, rape away while we look the other way.

If you've never gotten how much a part of the rape culture the corporate media is, grasp that they are ignoring Deval's stance on sex offenders and instead fawning all over him.