Monday, October 07, 2019

Time for Joe to go

Who knew so many people wanted to give Donald Trump a second term?

What else explains the deluded support for War Hawk Joe Biden.  No-enthusiasm-Joe is somehow going to turn out more voters than Hillary Clinton did in 2016?  Joe Biden is going to top that?

There is no real enthusiasm for him.

More to the point, there's this.

first family material

Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "First Family Material?" about Hunter Biden.

In what world does any of that not raise alarms?

Crack pipe?  Have we really come that far from "I didn't inhale" Bill Clinton?

Is this really what's now seen as First Family behavior -- kicked out of the Reserves for cocaine, being sued by a woman who claims you fathered her child, leaving your wife (and the mother of your children) to take up with the widow of your dead brother?

One, maybe, okay.  But all of that?

Chip off the old blockhead, ?

Tip to Joe supporters, the White House is not supposed to be the set of Jerry Springer.

And to those who insist it currently is?  That's why we don't need Joe.

We need someone who can stand on the stage with Donald Trump and call Donald out for his corruption.  Joe can't.

As Sarah Chayes noted last week on MORNING EDITION (NPR), "You know, when the son of a vice president gets a job in a field he knows nothing about while his father is vice president in a country that just had a revolution that, you know, typically, in that part of the world, post-revolution, all the oligarchs steal all the crown jewels, and the industry is one of the crown jewels - that is to say, gas - since when is that doing nothing wrong?"

If Biden never spoke to his son, Hunter, about a clearly corrupt business arrangement in a country the VP treated as his own imperial fiefdom, then he’s a derelict father and can’t be trusted to hold underlings accountable. If he did, that’s even worse.

And as Jonathan Turley (THE HILL) points out:

While I do not agree with President Donald Trump that the evidence suggests that Joe Biden pushed to fire the prosecutor to protect his son, there remains the legitimate question of the windfall contract given to Hunter Biden by a figure widely viewed as corrupt in the Ukraine. To make matters worse, Joe Biden declared to the media that he has never, ever, discussed any foreign business deal with his son Hunter, including the Ukrainian deal. Hunter himself said that was untrue in recalling discussing the Ukrainian deal with his Dad. Now this photo shows Joe Biden golfing with Hunter and Devon Archer, who served on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings with Hunter. Did Hunter never explain the working relationship to his Dad? One can understand why the Biden campaign has been pressuring networks to refuse to air Rudy Giuliani and his allegations against Biden. The deal is a legitimate matter for inquiry and Biden has made it worse with his categorical denial.

Here's the photo Turley's referring to.

  1. BREAKING: After Joe Biden claimed that he never discussed his son’s foreign business dealings with him, A photo surfaced, from 2014, showing the former VP and his son golfing with a board member of the Ukrainian company that paid Hunter Biden $50k a month. This. Is. Corruption.

The standard is to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest -- that is the standard.  And if the Vice President can't hold up that standard, he doesn't need to run for the presidency.

It should also be noted that every day he remains in the race, he degrades Barack Obama's legacy a little more.  There's another reason Joe needs to go.

Finally, Margaret Kimberley (BLACK AGENDA REPORT) observes, "Joe Biden is a walking disaster on his own. He is nearly as stupid and graceless as Trump but the Democratic Party is desperate to win with a neoliberal candidate who will please rich party donors and Wall Street. Biden’s disastrous debate performances and dubious activities should disqualify him but the Democrats are sticking with him for now."