Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Truest statement of the week II

If there were any honesty in this dubious process Bernie Sanders would be given this mantle. He was unexpectedly successful in his challenge against front runner Hillary Clinton in 2016. Had it not been for Democratic Party efforts to rig the race against him he might have won. He has past experience as a presidential candidate and his policy proposals are also popular among voters. But the Democratic Party establishment doesn’t want him and as a result he never gets the vaunted label.

On the other hand, hapless Joe Biden is said to be a more electable candidate. He has failed miserably in past presidential runs and his tenure as Barack Obama’s Vice President has given him none of the gravitas that one might expect. He is still the bumbling lesser light who forgets Obama’s name, doesn’t know what state he is in, tells stories about confronting black men named Corn Pop, and makes unintelligible comments on issues that he should discuss with ease.

-- Margaret Kimberley, "Freedom Rider: The Electability Canard" (BLACK AGENDA REPORT).