Tuesday, August 20, 2019

From The TESR Test Kitchen


Do you like sandwiches?  Of course, we all do.  They're quick.  They're easy.  You can put whatever you want on them.  And most of us (not Jess) put meat on them.  We've been having a problem as have many of you readers e-mailing.  What is up with Oscar Meyer meat? 

Regardless of the store, regardless of the location, have they stopped quality control?  We would recommend no one buy the ham and turkey pack for multiple sandwiches.  There's something wrong with those packages.  One layer of meat -- out of every two -- will have a blister on it where the meat is jelly for a spot.  It's disgusting. 

And, staying with Oscar Meyer, if you buy the individual ham or the individual turkey, the thing stinks as soon as you open it.  15 of you complained about that (37 about the meat pack of ham and turkey).  We sampled and you're right, they stink upon opening.  They smell like they've been opened for days and they have filmy coating.  It's disgusting.  And someone should probably think about inspecting the Oscar Meyer plants.

We don't know what to tell you there. 

Jess loves veggie sandwiches.  We all love peanut butter sandwiches (especially with Chili Cheese Fritos on top of the peanut better). But for those of us who like meat?  You can get deli meat at a grocer's deli if you're lucky enough to have a deli.  (Didn't Wal-Mart grocers do away with the deli when those employees tried to unionize?)  If you don't have a deli?  You can try other sandwich meats available.  But if you're not wanting to risk it on sandwich meats (who wants to throw away money), we'd make another suggestion.  Yes, a suggestion in the Test Kitchen.

Try hot links.  Pop one into the microwave and cook as desired.  Then you can slice them lengthwise and put two on a piece of bread or you can slice them into tiny circles (how we like them) and fill a piece of bread with them.  Put mayo or mustard or whatever on the other slice of bread.  You can add lettuce and whatever as well.