Tuesday, June 11, 2019

TCM embarrasses itself

The pictures may have been only “based on a true story.” But they did justice to the essential truth of what happened on the ground. -

Uh, no, they didn't.


For some stupid reason, they're doing a ton of war movies to 'honor' D-Day.

These aren't documentaries.  This is more claptrap from Hollywood that turns war into a game.  The last thing the country needs it more war.

And no one watches TCM to watch war movies -- that's why the ratings drop whenever TCM airs one.  Their audience also doesn't really care for westerns.

They like comedies.

They like melodramas and a few dramas.

They like musicals.

They like suspense.

But they really don't care for war movies.

And we don't need the ridiculous Ben Mankowitz pretending he wears his Daddy's dog tags every day of his life.  We're not stupid even if Ben is.

Instead of the garbage they're currently pimping as 'real' and 'authentic,' maybe they could just air films that people really love?

Monsieur Beaucaire, for example, is a 1946 comedy classic starring Bob Hope that TCM never seems to find time for. Other films they could air? WHO'S KILLING THE GREAT CHEFS OF EUROPE? and another George Segal classic THE BLACK BIRD; Robert Altman's H*E*A*L*T*H, Delores del Rio's I LIVE FOR LOVE, Diahann Carroll's CLAUDINE, Goldie Hawn's THE DUCHESS AND THE DIRTWATER FOX . . .

There are so many films that could be aired.  Instead, TCM wants to pretend that (a) war is a game and (b) Hollywood war films are reality.