Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Editorial: Shut up, Tammy!

Senator Tammy Duckworth is a War Hawk.  She wants the US to remain in Iraq and she doesn't call for benchmarks, conditions or progress.  Just stay -- stay a little bit longer.  Here's Mike's response:

Shut up, Tammy!

Tammy Duckworth is a tool of empire who exists to promote never-ending war.

Last month, I visited Iraq for the 1st time since an RPG exploded a Black hawk I was piloting, costing me my legs & nearly my life. While I don’t want one more American to shed a drop of blood on Iraqi soil, I saw why we can’t afford to disengage from Iraq or abandon our allies:

Which allies, Tammy?

The Shi'ite militias linked to Iran?

The Iraqi government that took these militias -- which were outlawed -- and made them part of the Iraqi military?

The Iraqi government that cannot control the militias?

The Iraqi government that targets Sunnis?  That targets Christians?  That targets Yazidis?  That targets every religious minority?  That targets Palestinians?


The same allies that extract forced confessions and that then sentence people to death based on those forced confessions?

I'm sorry, Tammy, those may be your allies, I don't see them as mine.

Tammy's preaching eternal war.  That's all she's capable of doing.

The idiots who elected her should be Idiots of the Week.

Tammy's so fond of telling how she was shot down.  And she was.  In Iraq.  She was in a foreign country, part of a foreign force that was not invited in.

It's called war.

And she has to go to the well over and over on that because that's what she does.  She hides behind it, thinks it makes her immune to criticism.

It does no such thing.

She chose to run for Congress.  Like John McCain before her, she is ripe for criticism.  And anyone who holds back because she fancies herself a war hero doesn't understand democracy, free speech.

That's aimed at the ridiculous Joe Biden who thinks he can police Americans right to speak as they see fit.  No, you can't Joe.  We'll criticize John McCain all we want.  We'll criticize Tammy Duckworth all we want.

Joe wants to be president but he doesn't even understand free speech.

Tell Wheezie Joe to go, just go.  We don't need him, we don't want him.

Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"