Monday, April 29, 2019


This is a repost of Stan's review of the new Avengers film.



The audience I watched it with burst into applause during the last third of the movie, the big battle scene, where Spiderman shows up.

The film?

Let's start with the fact that I only need one ending.  If I want to watch a film that never knows how to end, I'll watch a Spike Lee film.  (MO BETTER BLUES if really want to see Spike struggle to figure out an ending.)  How many endings did we need?  A death on the battlefield.  A funeral.  Another mission.  A man returning from the past but now old.

A man.

That's the biggest problem.  This was the most sexist of all the Avengers movies -- and, yes, that's really saying something.

Black Widow is the only woman in the first film.  She's also the only woman to be in every one of the Avengers films.  So to kill her off is problematic.  To do so at the middle of the film when there are no real female Avengers around was flat out sexist.

Paul Rudd was comic relief.  I'm not insulting him.  He did that very well.

But if he's comic relief, why do we have Thor being comic relief?

Why do we have to see Thor travel back in time and speak with his mother who's dead in the present?  Or the same for Iron Man with his father?

But Black Widow?  After she dies, the male Avengers are talking about her but don't even know if she had any family.  That's a case of the writers never giving women actual storylines.

And where's her funeral?

Iron Man dies and we have a big old funeral.  She dies and nothing.

She dies on a mission to get stones.  She's paired with Hawkeye.  The others?  They get tons of time trying to get the stones -- Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America.  But she and Hawkeye aren't even the main story of their mission.

The rank sexism also included Carol Danvers' Captain America showing up at the beginning but then disappearing until the last third of the movie for the big battle scene.

The bulk of the film was Ant-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye and Thor.  They couldn't do a damn thing with Black Widow.  She was never the focus of any scene.

Scarlet Witch shows up in the last third for the big battle scene and, for a brief moment, it's remembered that she is actually hugely powerful but then they move on quickly and that's it for Scarlet Witch until she gets to say a few words to Clint at Iron Man's funeral.

Clint gets back with his now alive wife and kids.

And let's grasp that at Iron Man's funeral and the scenes right after, Jon Faverau gets more scenes than Pepper Potts.

The sexism never ended.

Going out with C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"