Monday, March 25, 2019

They're all guilty and should rot in hell

The fake ass 'resistance' spent the last two years defending War Criminals and pretending they were heroes.  They and the ones they defended should rot in hell.  They were known liars before the 'resistance' embraced them.  They remain known liars.

Replying to 
Has anyone out there noticed that Trump has managed to rehabilitate Both Bushes, John McCain, Robert Mueller, the Project for a New American Century, James Comey, all supporters of the kingpin crime of aggressive war against Iraq & more, in the eyes of the liberal class?

  1. Replying to   and 
    Players in Trump coup attempt were also involved with fake Dossiers for 2003 War with Iraq. Sir Richard Deerlove, was Christopher Steele’s boss in MI6. He pushed the Trump Dossier and fake Iraq Dossier in 2003. 2003: Mueller pushed US into war with Iraq.

  1. Big mouth failed ex-intelligence chief John(fat ass) Brennan has failed America on Iraq and Iran.This maggot had his dirty hands on this conspiracy to frame our President.Hopefully Fat Ass will share a cell with POS James Comey.
  2. Replying to 
    So, remind me, Mr. , what was your position at the time on the invasion of based on lies??
  3. Replying to 
    Please stop with the platitudes. Americans know BS when they see/hear/read it. We have not forgotten Iraq & the WMD. What liars were held accountable?

  1. Just now at "hacking" US Senate hearing: James Clapper 'my finger prints were on the" WMD report for Iraq.
  2. "And now, to discuss the dangers of dishonesty in political officials, we turn to paid CNN analyst James Clapper (who got caught lying to Congress about domestic spying) as well as our team of commentators who lied the country into a war of aggression in Iraq. Welcome "

HEROES & SAGES OF "LIBERAL MEDIA": Fed up with ex-National Intel Director James Clapper (who lied to Congress about surveillance) holding forth on CNN, I just turned on MSNBC where softly interviews militarist Gen. Barry (“Invade Iraq now!”) McCaffrey. Journalism?

  1. Clapper’s Credibility Collapses James Clapper, whose two dozen hand-picked intelligence analysts formed the foundation for the entire Russian hacking narrative, is confronted by about his previous analysis which said there were WMD in Iraq.
  2. Replying to  
    This intel community lied us into Vietnam and Iraq. The former DNI, James Clapper, lied under oath about domestic spying. And this is just a tiny sample. Has nothing to do with Trump except that he's their target now. Why believe the DNI without verifiable evidence?
  3. "Their doors are always open to lying, depraved intelligence community insiders like James Clapper and John Brennan and Iraq-raping neocons like Bill Kristol, but to antiwar leftists that door is slammed shut."

  1. Replying to 
    The same James Clapper who was instrumental in getting the us into the Iraq war was key in the Obama admin. Go figure. No love lost between Trump and the Bush family.
  2. The “Intelligence Community” has been wrong in the past like when Robert Muller helped lie us into a war with Iraq that killed nearly 1 million Iraqi civilians. James Clapper also lied to Congress when he stated the NSA didn’t wittingly spy on Americans.
  3. Replying to 
    Didn’t US intelligence lie us into Iraq? Didn’t DNI James Clapper perjure himself before the Senate when testifying about NSA domestic surveillance? Didn’t Brennan perjure himself too? You have to be stupid to believe proven liars. I’d take US intelligence BS w/ a grain of salt🤷‍♂️