Monday, January 21, 2019

From The TESR Test Kitchen

Betty Crocker, you lied.  You lied.

The corporation that hides behind the well known name has been pimping a product called Reeese's Dessert Bar Mix -- a "NO BAKE Recipe" and the box even has a "Convenient Pan Inside!"

But what the box promises and what the mix delivers are two different things.

1 reeses

The box promises the equivalent of a cake pan with a really large Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.  That's not what it delivers.

The first step goes easy enough -- making the crust.

3 reeses 1

The second step, the peanut butter layer, goes easy too.

3 reeses 2

It's the third layer where the problem comes along.  The first two layers come in big packets that you mix with water and butter.  The third layer is a small tube.  It's the chocolate topping.  The box explains it will go over the whole dish.


3 reeses 3

There's not enough to cover even half the pan.

And without the chocolate, you're just eating a peanut butter dessert.

This is a fail, an epic fail.  We consider this to be the worst item we have ever tested in our test kitchen.