Monday, October 08, 2018

Twitter's Biggest Crybaby

In 2000 3rd party voters gave us Bush and Iraq In 2010 3rd party gave us an Historical gains of Republicans in congress In 2016 3rd party gave us Trump and Neil Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh The problem are not Republicans its the people who say they're on our side who f**ks us

We like to think of him as Mr. Jerome because he's like the hair dresser you try to avoid because he rants the same rant every time but, sure enough, it's a Saturday and there's no one else available so you sit in his chair telling yourself you can tune him out if it means not waiting around an hour.  But the thing is, you can never tune him out.

The Green Party is a political party.  For all of Mr. Jerome's foot stomping tantrums, it is a political party and it does have members.

They don't have to vote for Democratic Party candidates.

Third Party Voters did not give the world the Iraq War.  Bill Clinton's work in the 90s. Al Gore's 2002 speech (when he was in favor of it) and Democrats in Congress joined with Bully Boy Bush, the corporate media and Republicans in Congress to give us the Iraq War.

The 2010 mid-term had nothing to do with TPVs.  Mr. Jerome should stick to warming his hot comb.  He really is that stupid.  Mid-term elections are a judgment on the party holding the White House.  That's a historical fact.  We get that Mr. Jerome's too busy studying SOUTHERN HAIR to do much political research but that is the reality.

Third Party Voters did not give anyone Kavanaugh.  Trump and the US Senate did.  TPVs had nothing to do with the Senate vote.

It's funny watching Mr. Jerome stamp his dainty feet and howl at the moon.

As for Mr. Jerome's claim of anyone being someone "who f**ks" him, we'd argue he hasn't gotten any since Bill Clinton was in the White House.