Monday, October 08, 2018


There are numerous Twitter feeds worth checking out.  We're noting THE PEACE REPORT (and we found out about it via Margaret Kimberley's always informative Twitter feed).

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    $1 a month from you can change my life.

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  • "Iraq veteran says we're running out of time" Yes, we do need to act now. What we do now will make a huge difference in the future. I always say that right now is the most exciting time to be a human...we'll either make it through this century or we won't
  • We needed to make changes 10 years ago. The good thing about the fight against climate change is that it requires all backgrounds of the working class to unite to fight against the one percent, who dominate and destroy this planet. As we rise, we'll live in a more equitable world

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    If voting was the solution we would’ve been liberated already & all of the social, political, economic, & global problems would be gone. Whether we have “blue” or “red” in offices is a dualistic understanding of politics which greatly compromises our democratic experiment.
  • The Saudi Lobby Juggernaut
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    And this should be shouted from every rooftop in this facocked country:
  • Saudi Arabia must be a Russian bot... The Saudi Lobby Juggernaut: "In 2016, according to FARA records, they reported spending just under $10 million on lobbying firms; in 2017, that number had nearly tripled to $27.3 million."
  • Blowback From a Generation of American Folly
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson believes innovations in science and technology result in warfare. He is a con-man, a salesman for the military industrial complex. Yes, I previous loved listening to him talk until I learned he supports war and militarism. NGT has deep ties with the Pentagon.

  • The militarization of Guam: A US colony (Oops, I mean US territory!) Guam is the best kept undemocratic secret of the United States. The US plans to move troops from Okinawa to Guam in the near future, which requires more bases, more weapons, more danger
  • Exactly

  • Some history about US military presence on the continent of Africa. Just 10 years, but its grown nearly 2,000 percent in just the past 10 years! 10 Years of AFRICOM: Africa Command
  • Geographic Combatant Commands under the Pentagon: U.S. Indo-Pacific Command - Since 1947 U.S. European Command - Since 1952 U.S. Southern Command - Since 1963 U.S. Central Command - Since 1983 U.S. Northern Command - Since 2002 U.S. Africa Command - Since 2008