Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Goody Whore

Russiagate drivel dominates p1 of NYT & Wash Post. David Sanger is co-author of Times lede re “New Russian Hacking” In 2002 Sanger reported WMD in Iraq as flat fact. Amy Goodman dutifully "headlined" Sanger's latest Russ hack lede.

There was a time when so many of us trusted Amy Goodman.

Every year, more and more wake up.

It's really time for PACIFICA to create their own hourly, public affairs show that airs Monday through Friday -- one that they actually own.

Somehow (Leslie Cagan and a board of corrupt others) Amy Goodman ended up owning DEMOCRACY NOW!  She went from one of the hosts -- just one, there were more than her -- to, a few years later, the owner.  And suddenly PACIFICA was to pay her millions.

PACIFICA is paying millions of dollars to Amy Goodman for DEMOCRACY NOW! and they don't even own the program.  She now owns it.

That's now how public radio is supposed to work.

Amy's a fake ass who has gone on to promote the war on Libya, the war on Syria, neoliberalism, you name it.

Know your enemy.