Monday, July 02, 2018

UFOs and Cary Grant


 UFOs and Cary Grant

Are you interested in UFOs?  I’m in the middle of listening to a program on the topic right now.
IN OTHER NEWS, on WBAI.  Monday’s show if you check their archives.
Geoff Brady hosts.  C.I. passed it on since I write about science.  She said I might enjoy it and I really am enjoying it.
Again, if you’re interested in the topic of UFOs, you should check it out, it’s really great.
Okay, now let's note this:
Ninety years ago, future screen legend Cary Grant shared a Greenwich Village love nest with an Australian man who went on to win three Oscars.
That’s the provocative claim in “Women He’s Undressed,’’ a new documentary about celebrated costume designer Orry-Kelly (released Aug. 9 on DVD and video on demand) that adds a tantalizing new chapter to decades of speculation about Grant’s sexuality.
Between the film and Kelly’s recently published, long-suppressed memoir “Women I’ve Undressed,’’ a vivid portrait emerges of Grant as an ambitious young immigrant vaudevillian who reinvented himself so thoroughly, he ended up denying his true self in a homophobic industry.
The article goes on to note Cary Grant living with Randolph Scott and the rumors there.  Not rumors, they were lovers.  Cary Grant also had a sexual relationship with Howard Hughes.
By the way, that's why Warren Beatty's Hughes film was so disappointing.  All those years in development and it offered nothing.  Howard Hughes was bisexual.  It's not a crime.  Don't know why we have to pretend like it is or why we have to pretend like Cary Grant was straight.
I think Cary was the best male movie star of the 20th century.  I also believe he was gay.  
I don't know why some of us are unable to reconcile these two realities.
"Iraq snapshot" (THE COMMON ILLS):