Monday, March 12, 2018

Sunday Melissa and other bimbos

Sunday Melissa we called you a bimbo.  We wanted to go with a four-letter-word but we're trying to be kind.

You're so far Hillary Clinton's ass that you get a concussion every time she farts.

Your inability to grasp that she's a hideous War Hawk is the least of your problems, though.

You keep preaching women and pretending like you're changing the world and standing up for women but, Sunday Melissa, we're not feeling it.

One reason why?

  1.   Retweeted
    Replying to 
    If Trump’s still president, I welcome it!
  2.   Retweeted
    In five-billion years, as the Sun begins to die, its outer layers of glowing plasma will expand stupendously, engulfing the orbits of Mercury, then Venus, as the charred ember that was once the oasis of life called Earth vaporizes into the vacuum of space. Have a nice day!
  3.   Retweeted
    Will Trump and his minions now use the House Intelligence Report, which lacks evidence and witnesses, to try to get rid of Special Counsel Mueller???
  4.   Retweeted
    If you know anyone in , please call them tonight to urge them to vote tomorrow. The residents in the district have been bombarded with radio/TV ads (mainly anti-Lamb), but a personal call could make all the difference. This race could literally be decided by a single vote
  5. Just a tweet for the Universe- we lost a beautiful member of our extended family today, she wasnt with us long but was loved by all she touched in this World. God bless you, Becky..RIP
  6.   Retweeted
    Replying to 
    Funny how you and your old man talk- You imply others are guilty actually of what you all are. #1 priority for most Americans is our Democracy, how about Daddy quit worrying about our Enemies feelings and enact the sanctions against Russia!
  7.   Retweeted
    Replying to 
    Christ was a liberal, you’d know that if you actually read the book or listened to your Pope.

See the problem bimbo?

We saw it in far too many PUMA sites.  They'd declare Saturdays to be movie days, for example, at their blogs.  And they'd note all these movies.  Starring . . . men.

Sunday Melissa if you're really about helping women, why do your reTweets revolve around so many men?

If you're really about helping and supporting women, seems like you could find a way to reTweet women.

It's your world, dumb ass, take control of it or not.  But don't pretend like you want to value women when you keep doing all these reTweets of men on Twitter.