Sunday, August 06, 2017

Barbra Streisand can't get over . . .

. can’t get over his popular vote loss to .

Barbra Streisand can't get over the fact that Donald Trump is president.

Barbra Streisand can't get over the fact that all the fillers in the world don't make her look young, they just make her face look like an overstuffed pillow.

Barbra Streisand can't get over the fact that her constant complaining destroyed her film career.

Barbra Streisand can't get over the fact that she used the term "fa**ot" (as a 'joke' with Harrison Ford) and her son Jason is gay.

Barbra Streisand can't get over the fact that she pretends to be political but hasn't done s**t to protest the still ongoing Iraq War.

Barbra Streisand can't get over the fact that she had the talent to really be something but instead settled for mediocrity.

Barbra Streisand can't get over the fact that Laura Nyro was an actual artist -- and all Babs bitter and bitchy remarks about Laura Nyro won't change that reality.