Democratic Senate leader Charles Schumer shed tears for stranded
refugees but fully supported the invasion and occupation of Iraq, one of
the nations targeted by the travel ban. Schumer is also one of the key
spokespersons for Israel’s occupation of Palestine and endless massacres
in Gaza. Cory Booker is an opportunist and a corporate hooker
who also quickly stepped into that spotlight. Elizabeth Warren may ask
tough questions at confirmation hearings, but invariable votes to
approve Trump’s nominees. They and their colleagues can always be
counted on to approve of American imperialism.
The debacle that brought Trump to the presidency has been moving in slow
motion for years. It was just a matter of time before the Democrats
would lose this office as they had done with the House, the Senate, and
most state legislatures. They have no desire to move away from their
corporate sugar daddies, instead preferring to devolve into pretense,
which was obvious to the voters who wouldn’t stand with Hillary Clinton.
-- Margaret Kimberley, "Freedom Rider: 'Resist Trump, Resist the Democrats'" (BLACK AGENDA REPORT).