Monday, October 31, 2016

Editorial: Iraq

I went back in time to 2003 and told 20-year-old me that we're voting for someone who voted for the Iraq war and he said "But are we skinny"

Sadly, the film critic for VANITY FAIR appears to nail it.

In the United States today, we appear to care about everything but Iraq.

This month, the US Defense Dept. announced, "Chief Petty Officer Jason C. Finan, 34, of Anaheim, California, died Oct. 20 in northern Iraq, of wounds sustained in an improvised explosive device blast."

His being from California, it made our state media.

We read about and watched a candle light vigil, for example.

But outside of California?

We're in the middle of a presidential election and the death of yet another US service member in the never ending Iraq War didn't even rate pressuring the presidential candidates or demanding that they offer something more than bromides about the Iraq War.

When this site started, if you'd have told us this day would ever come, we wouldn't have believed you.

Were we to go back in time, we hope to hell our 2003 selves would have greater concerns than "Are we skinny?"

We would hope.