If Sanders folds before Philadelphia – as early as this week, if the
White House has its way – then history will treat him as a saboteur of
the “movement” that he claimed to lead. But, the disintegration of the
duopoly has already begun. A leftish electoral force, closely connected
with mass social movements, will messily emerge from the tumult of 2016.
The new party (or parties) will contend for the huge political space to
the left of Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the past,
present and likely future presidents spawned by the Democratic
Leadership Council (DLC), the corporate faction created in the 1980s to
move the Party rightward. With victory complete, the DLC shut down after
Obama’s election. It now IS the Democratic Party – a lesson that Sanders supporters have been learning all these months.
-- Glen Ford, "Sanders' Moment of Truth" (BLACK AGENDA REPORT).