Sunday, March 27, 2016

Film Classics of the 20th century

In this ongoing series on film classics of the last century, we've looked at THE FULLER BRUSH GIRL,  The Net,  Your Friends & Neighbors,  Shampoo,  The Player,  Dick Tracy,  How To Marry A Millionaire,  Blow OutYou Only Live TwiceSleeper,  Diamonds Are Forever,  Sleepless In Seattle,  My Little Chickadee,  Tootsie,  After Hours,  Edward ScissorhandsChristmas in Connecticut, Desk Set,  When Harry Met Sally . . .,  Who Done It?,  That Darn Cat!,  Cactus Flower,  Family Plot, House Sitter,  and Outrageous Fortune.   Film classics are the films that grab you, even on repeat viewings, especially on repeat viewings.


THE LATE SHOW is a stylish, comedy-mystery, film noir starring Art Carney and Lily Tomlin.


Written and directed by Robert Benton (who won the Academy Awards for writing and directing  KRAMER VS. KRAMER and for writing PLACES IN THE HEART), the film revolves around retired private investigator Ira Wells (Carney) whose dragged back into the business by the murder of an old partner (Howard Duff in a minor role) and by his shady friend Charlie (Bill Macy) who has a case for him -- find the missing cat of Margo (Lily Tomlin).


Being a film noir, there are twists and turns including the missing wife (Joanna Cassidy) of a low level fence (Eugene Roche).


Along the way, there are shoot outs, a car chase, a heart attack . . .


and even a dead body in a fridge.


Mainly though, there's the great chemistry between Tomlin and Carney.


They more than make the film and it's too bad the two were never reteamed.
