Sunday, March 23, 2014

Get real, Hillary

Hillary Clinton.

In 2008, she seemed to be the one needed.

In 2014, she's trying to pretend she still is.

Jake Miller (CBS News) reports on her efforts Friday to try to woo young voters.

"Look, I am very much concerned about the direction of our country. And it's not just who runs for office, but what they do when they get there," she said. "I'm obviously thinking about all kinds of decisions."

Is she for real or has she gone completely nuts?

She wasn't portrayed as weak by her opponents in 2008.

They tried that but it didn't stick.

What she was attacked for was for trying to out macho everyone.

But you could dismiss that nonsense because she actually spoke about important issues like jobs, like breast cancer, like families, like equality . . .

All she's done in the last 12 months is flap her wings and shriek for war.

She's a War Hawk.

 “Look, I am very much concerned about the direction of our country. And it’s not just who runs for office, but what they do when they get there.”

No, you're not concerned.

You want war, war, war.

You don't speak out about our rights as citizens and how they're violated with illegal spying.

You don't decry that lack of jobs.

You act like ObamaCare needs a light dusting when the whole thing is unworkable and will not help most Americans one bit.

You say nothing about any problem that exists in this country.

But apparently war turns you and gets you all excited so you're always demanding war -- war on Libya, war on Syria, war on Ukraine.

You are not the woman of 2008.

And you're not doing a damn thing to help America.

If this is what you plan to offer in a 2016 run, let us be the first to point out: You're not offering one damn thing to the American people.