Sunday, January 08, 2012

As Iraq falls apart . . .

Having started the political stalemates, Nouri al-Maliki decided to top himself and so, as last month ended, he started a political crisis. He did so by attacking political rivals. Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq? Nouri wanted him stripped of his position. Tareq al-Hashemi? Nouri wanted him arrested.

Nouri's paranoia is well known but last week saw crazy that outshone anything he'd done in the past.

Here's Nouri

The arrest warrants on Tareq? Nouri wasn't involved! It was the judiciary! And they threatened him with arrest if he didn't go along!

The prime minister held hostage by the judiciary?

That's a wild excuse, even for Nouri.


Illustration is Isaiah's "Here's Nouri."