Sunday, August 21, 2011

Truest statement of the week II

Only the most foolish among us ---- and those whose careers and boat payments depend on it --- are still concerned with "saving" the Obama presidency, or obsessing about how adorable the First Family looks. Not to worry. Michelle, Sasha, and whatshername will be just fine. Barack will do OK too, even if he doesn't get a second term. And like they say, some grown folks just don't want to be saved. Obama should be working on how to save us from endless war, climate change and joblessness. He isn't. And he won't. It's time for us to love our own families, our own children and elders as much or more than we love his, and get busy.

-- Bruce A. Dixon, "It's Too Late To Save The Obama Administration. Can We Still Save Ourselves?" (Black Agenda Report).