Sunday, November 14, 2010

Truest statement of the week

Maddow is a pampered child in a nation whose discourse is badly broken. She rarely shows any sign of understanding the depth of that problem -- of how much effort it will take for real progressives to fix it. If a tax cut proposal makes sense to her, she seems to assume it "makes sense" in an absolute way. But it may not make political sense in a nation full of people who get their ideas from Rush Limbaugh and Fox, as Maureen Dowd's brother does.

The tax cut issue pretty much isn't a gift, especially after last week's elections But Maddow doesn't understand this. She's full of self-confidence -- but she isn't especially smart about politics. (Beyond that, she isn’t real honest.) Sadly, she's making the liberal world dumber -- as she stuffs those millions of dollars down her self-confident pants.

-- Bob Somerby, "TWO MILLION DOLLARS OF CRAP! Maddow doesn’t understand politics, as she made clear Monday night" (Daily Howler).