Sunday, October 10, 2010

Truest statement of the week

There's no doubt that this originates from the top. This comes from the Oval Office. This now is a hallmark of the Obama administration. One of the interesting developments is that at the same time as the same time these raids took place, the Obama administration announced it was supporting new regulations to compell popular internet messaging services like Facebook, Blackberry, to open up their systems to FBI surveilance. So it was reported right after the raids and one may wonder if the raids are also a distraction from pushing through this kind of legislation that more deeply erodes our fundmental rights to privacy.

-- Heidi Boghosian, WBAI's Law and Disorder Radio, last Monday, replying to whether the
Friday, September 24th FBI raids on peace activists went all the way to the top? The day of the raid, Heidi Boghosian's [PDF format warning] "The Policing of Political Speech: Constraints on Mass Dissent in the US" was released/