Sunday, May 02, 2010

Truest statement of the week II

No kidding you clown? Now you realize this? Only know does your brilliant "creative class" mind grasp the damage your foolishness inflicted? To build a party on ephemeral first time voters and young voters is foolishness. That foolishness is akin to a store which sells baby clothes only to virgins -- there might be some curiosity value and foot traffic but the business model will not work.

Only now does the clucking clown of the "creative class" at NothingLeft realize the foolishness of party building based on a group of political virgins and soon to grow up and change their views young people. That's not to say that those groups should not be courted, but to build a party on a one time only group of voters is monumental foolishness.

-- "Mistake In ‘08, Part V – The Revelation," Hillary Is 44.