Sunday, November 01, 2009

Truest statement of the week II

Surely "liberals" in the House will revolt? No, not quite. Earlier this year Representative Anthony Weiner voted for the Energy and Commerce Committee bill on health care after threatening to vote against it. There were sufficient votes to block the bill in the Energy Committee. Nancy Pelousy and other House leaders made promises to get votes.
A most crucial promise was that Anthony Weiner would get a vote on an amendment on the House floor for his proposal to establish a single payer system. No surprise that Nancy Pelousy lied. No surprise that "
liberals" caved and won't protest the lies:
Even New York Rep. Anthony Weiner, who received a public assurance from Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) over the summer that he would get a vote on an amendment establishing a single-payer government-run health care program, seemed to take the news in stride that party leaders had reneged on that agreement.
"I wouldn't be the first person to learn this place isn't on the level," Weiner told a crowd of reporters.

No surprise that lies are discounted and Obama excused. We recall Obama's FISA lies.

-- Hillary Is 44, "Nancy Pelousy And Barack Obama Economic Lies."