Sunday, September 06, 2009

Editorial: Accountability

We lived up in Cambridge
And browsed in the hippest newsstands
Then we started our own newspaper
Gave the truth about Uncle Sam
We loved to be so radical
But like a ragged love affair
Some became disenchanted
And some of us just got scared

Now are you playing possum
Keeping a low profile
Are you playing possum for a while

-- "Playing Possum," written by Carly Simon, from her album of the same name

When Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan held her vigil against the wars on Martha's Vineyard as President Barack Obama vacationed there, the gilded lights of the left stayed silent.

In the aftermath of growing outrage, the same losers played possum.

Last week, they found a new page in their handbook: Rewriting history.

Where there is opportunism, there is Sad Sirota. At The Confluence, myiqis2xu called out David Sirota's latest lies noting that the big talker today was strangely silent on Barack's faults when it mattered.

Last week, Sad Sirota scribbled/moaned:

Though the 2006 and 2008 elections were billed as progressive movement successes, the story behind them highlights a longer-term failure. During those contests, most leaders of Washington’s major labor, environmental, antiwar and anti-poverty groups spent millions of dollars on a party endeavor -- specifically, on electing a Democratic president and Democratic Congress. In the process, many groups subverted their own movement agendas in the name of electoral unity.
The effort involved a sleight of hand. These groups begged their grass-roots members -- janitors, soccer moms, veterans and other "regular folks" -- to cough up small-dollar contributions in return for the promise of movement pressure on both parties’ politicians.

Debbie Gibson may have gotten lost in your eyes, David Sirota spent the bulk of this decade getting lost in the pit stains of Republicans turned Democrats, swearing this was the new way as he rubbed his face repeatedly.

It was no surprise that David Sirota would swallow both of Barack's testicles and give them a good tongue bathing -- he'd been doing that with faux Dems for years.

And it's awfully hilarious to hear little Davy claim to give a damn about ending the Iraq War. As most remember, he is the one who attacked Tina Richards for confronting US House Rep David Obey on the Democrats in Congress refusing to end the illegal war. And it was Sad Sirota who showed up after Ned Lamont won the Conn. Democratic Party primary to 'counsel' that Lamont needed to stop talking about the Iraq War. If you've forgotten, that 'strategy' is why Lamont tanked and Joe Lieberman (running as an independent) made it back into the US Senate.

With that record, one rivaling Judith Miller's record on WMDs, you'd think David Sirota would just crawl back under his rock. Instead, he continues to mistakenly believe he's fit for civil society.

We need to all be willing to tell the likes of David Sirota: Hold your horses.


We need to refuse to allow them to rewrite history, to re-invent themselves. To be sure, Sad Sirota will always be the first out of the gate with reinvention. Consider him the Madonna of faux politics. And to be sure the Idiot Katrina vanden Heuvel will always be the last to get it (last week, she was still gushing over Barry: "President Obama had it right in April when he delivered his 'economic Sermon on the Mount' and said, 'We cannot rebuild this economy on the same pile of sand. We must build our house upon a rock.' And, as the IPS report notes, even earlier in the year Obama spoke out against excessive executive compensation, saying . . ."). But even the strugglers like Katrina will catch up at some point.

Be prepared to tell them, "Hold it just one damn minute."

They have to be held accountable. They have made their entire careers about trashing Real Media and whining that Real Media is never accountable. It's past time the Beggar Media was held accountable as well.

They are not going to be allowed to waltz in as America's woken up to realities about Barry O (upcoming Zobgy poll does not look good for Barry) and pretend they were truth tellers. They were whores. They're whores who need to see a doctor and be tested because they've certainly diseased the public discourse with their actions.


Integrity's probably too much to hope for but we can hold them accountable.