Sunday, July 26, 2009


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report (with us in spirit), Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"I Hate The War" -- Most requested highlight of the week, C.I.'s "I Hate The War." It's just on Jolie. We were surprised. We even said, "Ty, are you sure?" Even C.I. thought someone else would grab it this week and said it would probably be Ruth.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Barry and Totus" -- Isaiah's serves up a rest in peace for the recently deceased teleprompter.

"Iraq snapshot," "Subcommittee on Disability Assistance & Memorial Affairs," "Iraq snapshot" and "House Veterans' Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations"-- C.I. and Kat cover the Congressional hearings.

"Friday wrap up" & "Bob Somerby, convention" -- Betty didn't go to Com Con Thursday or Friday but she noted her kids and her parents did which led to e-mails galore. If you're one who e-mailed, don't worry, those who went wrote an article on it this edition.

"Teriyaki Potatoes in the Kitchen" -- Trina offers two recipes and some realities.

"Reader privacy" -- Like Ruth, we agree this is an important issue.

"Kurds find out it sucks to be the good child" -- Kat with a topic that's become very popular.

"What he chooses to speak on" -- Marcia notes some basics.

"The UN and Kirkuk" -- Go Elaine! This really was a great post.

"FSRN, Hawaii""The never ending wars"

"Things you don't Tivo" & "THIS JUST IN! THE RATINGS BOMB!" -- B-b-but, he used to be so popular!

''it's his party, he'll cry if he wants to, cry if h...," "gordo loves the night life, he loves to boogie,"
"gordo and the copters" and "gordo:illiberal and reactionary" -- Rebecca's continued Gordon Brown coverage.

"How is it journalism?" -- Ty revealed this was the second most requested highlight.

"Liz Smith stupid; Candice Bergen, vapid" -- Ruth on why some people shouldn't weigh in.

"Andy Worthington and Idiot of the Week: David Bliven" -- We love it when Mike does idiot of the week!

"Grease wasn't the word" & "THIS JUST IN! HE JUST WANTED TO SING!" -- wherein Barack confuses al-Maliki with a character from the musical Grease.

"Military propaganda airs in Wisconsin""Hillary Clinton and Aamir Khan"

"Andrea Lewis, reclaim your soul and integrity"

"People Like Us" & "The Mamas and the Papas" -- Trina and Kat cover the supergroup of the sixties.

"Amy Goodman lies again""The silences and the ones who need to be silent"

"Dualism lectures from a dualist" -- when rallying against either/or, it's probably a good idea not to have set your article up as either/or. A tip from Elaine that writers should heed.

"Tom Hayden lies again" -- Mike offers a critique of the increasingly stupid Tom Hayden.

"Robert Parry tries stand up" -- Marcia's critiques failed comic Bobby Parry.

"Angelina Jolie," "Nouri and Barry," "Painted," "Hillary Clinton and Aamir Khan," "Isaiah's draws Barack and his teleprompter" -- Ann's posts at her new site and the gang has an interview with her this edition, just FYI.

"JuniorGate," "Back off Amy Goodman," "Junior continues to rage for attention" and "The silences and the ones who need to be silent" -- Stan's continued coverage of JuniorGate.