Sunday, July 26, 2009

The drama of Queen Al Giordano

"And in ring three, we had US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who claimed that Zelaya’s actions today were 'reckless.' Today Clinton proved, once and for all, that she is not competent to do the job of foreign minister. What an asshole," sneered Al Giordano last week.

Al, for those not in the know, was a professional hanger on, sort of a Pamela Des Barres for the activist set, a boy pal to Abbie Hoffman. That's supposed to make up for a lack of journalistic training. What's supposed to disguise mock outrage, we just don't know.

There's not enough concealer in Al's bag of tricks to hide the fact that he's long had a war-on for Hillary. Not only did he spend 2007 and 2008 lying and distorting Hillary's actions, he's done that forever. At his laughable Narco 'News,' he's long promoted the right-wing crackpot nonsense of Mena. He's a freak on a leash.

And he did a lot of lying for Barack. Such as in September 2007 when he declared, "Win or lose, Obama's small donors may have already brought a revolution in campaign financing." Barack didn't have small donors propping up his campaign, he had the establishment and one of the first of the liars pimping otherwise was Baby Al.

Al lies for Barack because that's what Al does. So he attacks journalist Eva Golinger who actually has accomplishments to her name: "Memo to Eva Golinger from Al Giordano: You're not helping your credibility with screeching claims that events in Honduras constitute 'Obama's first coup.' If you can't see the difference between the actions of of the Bush administration (which cheered the 2002 coup in Venezuela, and forwarded the lie that its president had 'resigned') and the immediate response from the Obama administration toward the coup in Honduras (first, Obama recognized and gave backing to the facts of what he called the 'the detention and expulsion of President Mel Zelaya,' a very helpful statement to frame the narrative, and, now, Secretary Clinton has said it 'should be condemned'), that only reflects a shortcoming in research and logic by those making such crazy statements." Oh good heavens, Mr. Mental lecturing Golinger about "crazy statements"?

Golinger's article that had Al so unhinged was "Obama's First Coup d'Etat: Honduran President has been Kidnapped: Updates 1-17" (Venezuela Analysis). There's something hilarious about faux radical Al (who spells "America" with an accent over the "e"), a party boy, lecturing Golinger whose work reporting on the Venezuela coup set the standard. Al's work? Al's work sets the curve. He's the low scorer everyone's glad made it to class that day.

If you're not getting what a joke the Barack apologist Al is, check out his March 2008 rant:

Their latest failed attempts (two of many so far in only the first eight weeks of the new administration) to storm the gates of the White House and make a scapegoat out of (fill in the blank: Emanuel, Geithner, whatever absent father figure is in their craws on any given day) reveal the simple formula of their online aneurisms and from here on out will serve as a guide to how they whip themselves into a froth so routinely only to be discredited within days of each spastic attack.

The first came out of the loud claims that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner allegedly hid or kept secret the fact that AIG Corporation would pay bonuses to its executive and employees even after receiving bailout funds.
Well, lo’ and behold, The Field has obtained a November 25, 2008 press release from the AIG Corporation in which the troubled financial giant told the entire world that it would be offering bonuses in 2009!

Way to stick it to . . . the people, Al. Someone remind him that whoring is something that should be done in a motel room.