Sunday, April 19, 2009


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"NYT's propaganda push" -- most requested highlight and it's a different entry for a change but it is by C.I. In this Thursday morning entry, C.I. walks you through NYT's latest propaganda.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Brotherly Embarrassment" -- Isaiah covering the topic that was apparently an 'unmentionable' even in the laughable quarters of PUMA (they really need to give it up at this point, they're such a joke and this 'Let's be an advocay organization! Let's figure out what we want to advocate for!' bullshit is bullshit, they have become the biggest joke, every week they're attempting another makeover). Isaiah has the guts PUMA wishes they had.

"Kat's Korner: The LOtUSFLOW3R Blooms . . . and rocks" -- Kat's review of Prince's new album (only available at Target).

"Lemon Pepper Noodles in the Kitchen" -- Trina takes on the economy and more. (And Dona asked us to include this statement by her: "I lived on Ramen noodles when I was an undergradute. If I'd known this recipe -- I know it's obvious -- I would have lived on this. Try it, it's really good. If you're like me, you'll want to use linguine and lots of butter.")

"Tim Howe -- ugly name for ugly man" -- Betty writing about various things and, yes, community members, It is back. You guessed right. Which was the point of this post. We'll be bringing it into fiction over here and agree with Betty that it needs to be in our current serial -- where we take a real life homophobe with a badge and turn him into a closeted gay man -- but we didn't have the time to work him into this week's installment. He will be added shortly, trust us.

"April 21st, St Louis, Matthis needs your support" -- Betty on Matthis Chiroux.

"amy goodman pretends to write about pacifica," "Whora Flanders needs to shut her ass" "How I've grown to HATE Naomi Klein," "The world laughs at David Corn" and "Matthew Rothschild is an ass"-- Poor Amy Goodman she really thinks she's fooling anyone. Go hawk some more tickets to Barack's inaugural, Goody. Meanwhile Laura Flanders decided to flash her ugly insides. Spare us, Laura. And Kat explains how irritating Naomi Klein is (we have a funny feature this edition on Klein). Stan takes on whiny baby David Corn who suddenly wants everyone in a press behaving to behave themselves (surprising after all of his yelling during Hillary's press briefings) and Elaine explains how pathetic Matty Rothschild truly is. (He still won't defend Norman Finkelstein.)

""Adelaide Crapsey," "egalia's a tennessee bimbo zombie," "On The Snake," "Sylvia Plath," "Jane Cooper," "Martha Collins," "Ogden Nash, Larry Jones" and "Philip Dacey" -- Poetry night Tuesday.

"Movie night" and "Avoid The Soloist, see State of Play" -- Stan offers Movie night (review of The Conversation) and also movie tips (we agree with his choice of what to see).

"Barack's latest disgrace," "Ray McGovern," "Ray McGovern," "It's called 'justice,' Barack," and "Barack needs a Constitutional tutor" & "THIS JUST IN! HE DOESN'T KNOW JUSTICE!" -- Mike, Marcia, Ruth, Kat, Cedric and Wally comment on and react to the news that Barack won't prosecute those who illegally engaged in torture.

"egalia's a tennessee bimbo zombie," "Covering up for sexaul assailants" and "THIS JUST IN! WHAT AN IDIOT!" -- Rebecca, Cedric and Wally take on the idiot at Tennessee Guerilla Women who, blinded with love for Barack, wanted to state that reporting on sexual predators was "National Enquirer" and "tabloid" topics. Keep pretending you're a feminist, Princess, keep pretending.

"Jared Polis" -- Marcia on US House Rep Jared Polis.

"Poor New York Timid" -- Once a week, Isaiah postings an old cartoon at his new site. He's on the Downing Street Memos series from June 2005 and that really brings back memories. Including just how many comics Isaiah must have done. Seriously, we didn't realize that he'd done so many but he's easily got over 200 and maybe over 300. He always makes it seem so easy but we all know it's hard work and that along with these comics from The Common Ills, he also now does comics for all the community newsletters.

"Isaiah, World Can't Wait" -- Mike explains last week's edition and more.

"The gangsters get back together" & "THIS JUST IN! POND SCUM 11!" -- back story on this? Cedric and Wally got a phone report from a neighbor. The photos ran in Friday's gina & krista round-robin. Look for more "At home with Bully Boy" features. We have the best DFW community members! (Hey, everyone loves Bully Boy's new home, right?)