Sunday, March 29, 2009

They're they go again

The White House can't stop militarizing everything. They demonstrated it yet again last Friday as they rushed to praise the Edward M. Kennedy National Service Act,:

The bill contains key elements of the President’s national service agenda: Creating an army of 250,000 Americans a year involved in full and part time service to address some of our nation’s greatest challenges, including healthcare, education, energy and economic opportunity; expanding service-learning to engage young-people and put them onto a pathway to service; providing better service opportunities for seniors and boomers; and establishing a Social Innovation Fund to identify and grow programs that fix tough community problems.

So writes failed thespian (all but laughed off the stage in his multiple roles in Damn Yankees), failed reporter (Boston Globe, among others) and failed at everything else but toady Carlos Monje Jr. (Maybe his community service was giving up acting? It certainly made the world more grateful.)

"Creating an army," Carlos, really? With all the comparisons bandied about between The Cult of Barack and Hitler Youth, you want to use the term "army"?