Sunday, February 01, 2009


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"Roundtable," "Talking," "the roundtable," "Roundtable and snapshot," "The roundtable," "Iraq, sexual assault, feminism and more," "Discussion and Iraq snapshot," "Movies, Iraq, sexual assault and more" "A roundtable," "Roundtable time" and "Roundtable" -- Wally, Cedric (and Cedric's wife Ann), Trina, Betty, Kat, Rebecca, Ruth, Marcia, Stan, Elaine, Ava and C.I. participate in a Friday night roundtable disscussing Cedric and Ann's wedding, feminism in terms of photos, military sexual assault and Iraq. And movies! Almost forgot the movies.

"I Hate The War" -- C.I.'s Thursday night post and the most requested highlight by 3 e-mails to this site. What came so close as runner up? C.I.'s "What gets covered, what doesn't" -- which was also a big favorite Friday in one of Mike's former professor's classes (see "Weekend!").

"The cross dressing J. Edgar Hoover," "Eddie Murphy," "rod stewart," "Liberace," "When I tried to smoke a banana," "Porn Star ON-J," "Wonder Years rocker," "Paul is dead" and "Barney, Debra Sweet" -- Wednesday's theme post was rumors and Trina, Betty, Rebecca, Ruth, Kat, Marcia, Stan, Elaine and Mike all participated. If there's time, C.I. and Dona are pushing for a feature article to be done utilizing these posts. (Elaine says, "I'll note them on Monday. I don't blog Thursday and Friday I just posted the roundtable and forgot all about the theme posts, sorry.") So you've got J. Edgar Hoover, Eddie Murphy, Rod Stewart, Liberace and so much more. These really are some cool posts.

"Michelle goes under the microscope" and "THIS JUST IN! MICHELLE WADES IN!" -- Oh, no, they didn't!!!! Oh, yes, they did. Cedric and Wally do humor posts. Don't like it, don't step out in public and make a fool of yourself.

"'We want to normalize a government that really doesn't exist'" -- We weren't planning to highlight that one but Mike types this up and grabs the highlights and couldn't get the link for Isaiah's comice by itself. (We grab links from Cedric and Wally's 'recommendeds' at their sites.) Rebecca was looking over Mike's shoulder and didn't realize he was grabbing this just to get Isaiah's comic and said, "Oh, yeah, that was a good one." So we'll include it because Betty asked, "What one?" And, when told said, "That's the reporting I was talking about Thursday" (see "PUMA gnaws at its own tail") "that C.I. does all the time and doesn't get credit for. She may be the only one who reported on that hearing and see how timely it is a year later."

"Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Who Could Have Guessed"" -- the loser got confirmed. He doesn't pay his taxes and he gets put in charge of the treasury. He had the most votes against him of any treasury secretary who has ever squeaked through, but he got through.

C.I.'s Wednesday's "Iraq snapshot," Kat's "When I tried to smoke a banana," C.I.'s Thursday's "Iraq snapshot," Ruth's "Laura Watterson's testimony and its meaning," Kat's "Laura Watterson's testimony," C.I.'s "What gets covered, what doesn't" and C.I.'s Friday "Iraq snapshot" -- Trina asked us to be sure to highlight those. C.I. and Kat were at the hearing they are reporting on and Ruth's offering an editorial.