Sunday, December 14, 2008

The remake of Strangers On a Train

"Last night's victory was bittersweet for Illinois -- as we gain a great President, we lose a great Senator. And it goes without saying that our next Senator has big shoes to fill. Because it's important that the best person for Illinois is selected, I want to be clear that the calendar won't dictate our search. Instead, I want to ensure that Obama's successor will understand and fight for the needs of average Illinoisans," Rod Blagojevich, Governor of Illinois, declared November 5, 2008. He and his office were providing lists of how he would assist Barack Obama, "Support the President-Elect’s agenda for the people; Effectively represent the interests of the state of Illinois in the U.S. Congress; Work with my administration to achieve our shared goals of ensuring access to affordable healthcare, rebuilding Illinois’ infrastructure, improving the economic security and livelihoods of Illinois workers, and caring for our most vulnerable; and,
Prioritize the average Illinoisan who is too burdened by taxes and economic hardship."

Bittersweet memories, is that all Rod's taking with him? In better times, prior to last week, Rod and Barack were one man, one voice.


Look how close they once were in the photo above, which ran on page one of the November 12, 2008 Governor's Gazette ("A Newsletter of the State of Illinois"). Look at 'em, they're practically Strangers On A Train. You can almost hear them whisper "Crisscross! Crisscross!"