Sunday, November 09, 2008


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"I Hate The War" -- most requested highlight. C.I.'s talking about the attacks in Iraq on the LGBT community.

"Back to earth Tiny Malice Alice" and "Return to the earth ALICE ASS WALKER" -- Betty and Kat do a joint-post. This post is discussed in this week's roundtable. (Betty says, "Do not miss C.I.'s evaluation of the liteary worth and works of Walker.")

"The Common Ills" -- A long week for everyone and Trina decided to skip recipes and just note where things stood and what she takes inspiration from.

"Her name is Barbra"-- Marcia is a music collector. She hears one artist she likes, she wants to know everything they've ever recorded. Rebecca just turned her on to Barbra Streisand and this post is a treat for music lovers.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Ms. Troll" -- Isaiah's hilarious comic on troll Robin Morgan.

"The cabinet, Robert Fisk" -- Elaine's Friday post noting Barack's manloving ways.

"Joshua Frank, Murphy, Cocktail Weinie Norman" -- Mike addresses the standing and the crawlers (Norman Solomon on the latter).

"My interview with Stan" -- Mike interviews community member Stan who just started his own website.

"And she smells like urine" & "THIS JUST IN! TINA FEY'S A SKANK!" -- Amazingly, some whiners e-mailed to object to this joint-post of Cedric and Wally's. Were these appropriate words? The subject's Tina Fey. The woman who used MILF on network TV. You know, the same phrase that kept Tori Amos' "Big Wheel" off radio just a year ago. And that was one of Fey's more positve terms.

"gail collins is an idiot" -- Rebecca analyzes the loons at NYT.

"Iraq" -- Ruth's Friday night Iraq post.

"Movies," "Good for Nader," "Stan 411" and "Robin Morgan" -- Stan started his site Thursday and we're highlighting all of his posts.

"The failures of 'leadership'" & "Some people always have to lose" -- If these two entries by C.I. hadn't appeared on the same day, one of them might have been able to knock out "I Hate The War" as the most requested. Instead, they come in second and third.

"gossip post" -- We liked Rebecca's gossip post and so did 30 readers who e-mailed this site asking for it to be included in highlights. Liz wrote, "I needed something light after the election. Thank you, Rebecca."

"Homophobe-In-Chief" & "NYT can't stop lying for Barack" -- Ruth and Kat explain how the same faction that elected Barack supports homophobia.

"La la la" -- Elaine and, yeah, a columnist in a newspaper did rip her post off.

"Jeremy Hammond, Shut up!" -- Marcia says what needs saying. Always.

"THIS JUST IN! JOKERS, LIARS AND 1 JOURNALIST!" and "Facts is hard!!!!" -- Wally and Cedric review their campaign press peers and find them grossly lacking.